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Learn how to write an English essay properly

Knowing how to write any essay certainly is an excellent skill to have. Applying the skills you know about essay writing to an English essay is a fairly straightforward process. So what are the basic elements or steps you need to take in order to write an English essay properly?

  • The choice of topic is always important.
  • The format or layout is equally important.
  • Research will determine the content.
  • Proofreading includes many things.

If you are given the opportunity to choose the English essay topic yourself, make sure you choose something which appeals to you, which hasn't been written about by the world and its mother and certainly is a topic which is approved by your teacher or professor. If you can kick all three boxes in this aspect you give yourself an outstanding chance of writing an outstanding English essay.

What is the format of your English essay? How many words does it have? How many body paragraphs does it have? Only when you know the format can you then create your outline. Your outline which will include your thesis statement and the main point in each body paragraph is the foundation for your English essay. Know these things in detail before you begin.

Whatever your English essay topic, research will be the key to your success. If you choose a topic which has plenty of relevant and accessible research material, you give yourself an excellent chance of creating a terrific essay. Again this is a step you take before you actually start to write. So many students make the mistake of choosing something and jumping in without the proper preparation. And the proper preparation includes investigating what is available as far as research material is concerned.

And when it comes to proofreading we don't just mean looking for spelling and grammatical errors. Obviously those things are important but so too is removal of repetition, making sure that one sentence flows to the next and one paragraph to the next and most important of all, that you address the thesis statement. Have you proved the point you set out to make? Have you answered the question which the topic suggests?

These basic four steps or processes play a major role in the success of your English essay. Thinking about them before you start work could well be the best step you take.

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